Qualcomm engineers demonstrate an industrial IoT application

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Qualcomm Proudly Displays its Distaff Side



Qualcomm held a series of analyst briefings this week, divided into a day on 5G, the next-generation cellular technology, and a day on everything else. The message of 5G day was roughly that things are moving apace. More devices are coming to market, and more operators are deploying the technology. A robust roadmap is in place that will lead to denser, faster, more responsive, more reliable wireless services that will, in some cases, be able replace fiber as a primary means of communications and open up new digital interactions in an environment rich in intelligent sensors, endpoints, edge devices, and local and remote services, all sewn together by mutual discovery via streamlined infrastructure.

Not to belittle it, but the 5G story is much the same as it was. Qualcomm’s main job was to convince us analysts that things are on track with examples of commercial success and a peek into the future. The executives made quick work of it. Well, not quick, but thorough.

What drew my attention was Day 2, however, when the other side of the shop showed its wares. Freely admitting that cellular mobile not only pays the rent around Qualcomm, but also forms the basis for many of the spinoff technologies, executives nonetheless pointed out how these distaff areas are also important contributors to the bottom line.




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